We work and consult with law firms of all sizes around the United States, who have clients involved or soon to be involved with RICO litigation, as plaintiffs or defendants. 

If you represent a client involved in RICO litigation, we can provide expertise and assistance with any of the following: 

  • Preparing a RICO complaint or claim; 
  • Preparing RICO case statements; 
  • Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of a possible RICO case;
  • A RICO complaint that has been filed and is now being contested with a Motion to Dismiss, based on enterprise issues, pattern of racketeering, proximate causation, extraterritoriality, standing, and/or statute of limitations issues; 
  • A RICO complaint that has been dismissed without prejudice and your client seeks to file an Amended Complaint curing the defects noted by the Court; 
  • Your client’s existing RICO case is pending, but wants to amend it to make it stronger; Your client needs a RICO attorney to opine about the purpose or applicability of civil RICO in litigation, arbitration, and/or mediation;
  • Your client is a defendant in a civil RICO matter;
  • Your client is facing class certification in a RICO matter; 
  • Raising key issues for dismissal in a Rule 12 Motion or for summary judgment; 
  • Identifying key discovery issues and drafting appropriate written discovery for RICO claims; 
  • Navigating issues related to venue in RICO cases;
  • Drafting memos and conducting research regarding jury instructions; 
  • General consulting for RICO cases, including the distinctions in case law between various Circuits; 
  • Appellate consulting in RICO cases; 

We have often become involved in litigation in which an inadequate RICO complaint has already been filed and motions to dismiss are pending, threatening the entire litigation. We operate quickly, efficiently, and cost- effectively. We do so in partnership with the client’s existing counsel in order to maintain and strengthen the relationship you have developed with your client over time. 

We understand that your clients, on occasion, may become involved with RICO litigation. We also understand that RICO can be complicated, even for sophisticated and experienced attorneys. You want to be able to fully assist your clients on these individual RICO matters as they arise, while still continuing to service their remaining legal needs in the future, and without having to compete with co-counsel down the road.